Three Generations Create a Legacy of Giving

When Florence Davis received the same Christmas gift from her daughter, Gigi, three years in a row, she wasn’t disappointed. In fact, she was delighted. That’s because the little envelope made Gigi the third generation in her family to support Alive. The gift was a donation to Alive in honor of her mother (and in memory of her father Buzz Davis who was cared for at home by Alive).

“I was floored,” said Mrs. Davis. “She hadn’t mentioned it, and this note came. It’s just wonderful that she wants to do that, not just for me, but for a lot of people. Many people don’t pay for hospice care (because it’s covered by Medicaid). So, the people who can give are making a real difference for someone who doesn’t have the coverage,” she said.

The giving tradition was started by Mrs. Davis’s own mother who made a donation to Alive every time a loved one died. She held Alive’s record for the most donations made by an individual, with 500 gifts during her lifetime.

When Mr. Davis’s cancer could no longer be treated, he and his family agreed that he should be home with them during his final months. They called Alive.

“We had a double hospital bed instead of twin, so we could get close to him, and that made a big difference. The Alive staff were so understanding, compassionate, helpful, and kind. It was just beautiful. For me, the peace of mind that came with having help with the medication was enormous.”

It’s no surprise that Florence Davis would like to be remembered for being thoughtful of others and showing gratitude. She also says it’s important to be able to verbalize your feelings.

“If you can’t say you love someone, then they don’t know how you feel. We say, ‘I love you,’ all the time.”